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About Me

Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. Considering the concept of phenomenology, I explore the direct relationship between our body and the landscape. I concentrate on various landscapes surrounding the area in which I grew up, consisting of parts of Scarborough and the North York Moors National Park. Typical landscape painters paint what they see, with a horizon cutting through the centre of the painting, however I do not. Geometric shapes are produce in my paintings from looking closely into parts of the view. Marks are created from various sounds I hear surrounding me. I use various colours representing the mood that the scenery has put me in. I keep in mind the contours of the undulating land. All the elements and event happening in the environment around me I try and consider.  

My canvases were produced based on over 100 small sketches which I created 'en plein air', meaning in the open air. The reason for taking time to make these small sketches at particular landscape views is so I can experience the atmosphere directly, instead of through a camera lens. My mixed media paintings are created with acrylic paint, oil paint, charcoal, biro, oil pastel, chalk, felt tip and graphite stick. I applied the paint in different ways for my various pieces, pouring, with a brush, with a pallet knife, with a cloth, splashing, as well as using masking tape for straight crisp lines.

More about me…well I studied art for 3 years throughout A-Levels then BTEC Foundation. After learning more techniques on how to create artwork and how to express myself through paint, painting has become a passion of mine. Currently I am studying a business degree at university in Sheffield. Although along with my education I make sure I still pursue my hobby of producing art and I can assure you I will never stop painting. 
